November is the eleventh month of the year in our modern-day Gregorian calendar. The month kept its original name from the Latin novem meaning “nine” which marked it the 9th month of the year in the Roman calendar.
According to Gregory calendar, the day number is 365 in a year and if it is a leap year then the day number is 366. November 21 has its own special significance in India and world history.
November was named during a time when the calendar year began with March, which is why its name no longer corresponds with its placement in the Julian and Gregorian calendars.
Here you will find some important events that happened today in India and world History on November 21. Read on to know more about this day.
The page contains not only Important historical events but also famous birthdays and deaths each day. Search what happened today in Indian history and world history.
List of Important Historical events of 21 November:
- 1571: The ruler of Delhi, Alexander Lodi, died.
- 1694: France’s famous philosopher and writer François Marie Arroe was born and became famous as Walter.
- 1783: For the first time man attempted to fly in the sky by balloon or balloon. There were two people in this balloon, one of them was the French physicist Durez.Duarez planned to fly from the time of his education.
- 1791: Colonel Napoleon Bonaparte is promoted to General and appointed Commander-in-Chief to the armies of the French Republic.
- 1806: Berlin Order issued by Napoleon Bonaparte. According to this order, trade with Britain was banned from all European countries with French influence.
- 1813: An independent government restored in the Netherlands.
- 1867: Luxembourg is declared an independent nation. But even then this country remained connected to Holland.
- 1871: Moses F.Gayle of New York patented cigar lighters.
- 1877: American scientist Thomas Elva Edison presented the first phonograph to the world, on which the voice could be recorded and later heard.
- 1907: King Edward VII is given the Colinan Diamond gift on his birthday.
- 1930: Douglas MacArthur is sworn in as Chief of Staff of the United States Army.
- 1947: First postage stamp was issued in the country after independence.
- 1959: Phoenix Art Museum was established.
- 1963: India’s space program began with the release of rockets from the Thumba region of Kerala.
- 1970: physicist C.V.Raman died.
- 1980: 85 people were killed in a fire at the MGM Grand Hotel and Casino on the Las Vegas Strip.
- 1986: The Central African Republic adopted the constitution.
- 1989: Cameras were installed for the first time in the House of Commons, the lower house of the British Parliament.
- 1998: Nindado releases The Legend of Zelda Book:Time of Orrina
- 2002: NATO invites Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia to become members of the organization.
- 2005: Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa appointed former Prime Minister Ratnasiri Vikramanayake as the new Prime Minister of the country.
- 2010: 37th American Music Awards: Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber won.